
Love and Want // Drawer Pulls

Pewter Modern Landscape pulls from f. is for frank

I have a few furniture make over projects on my to-do list that I've been scoping out some drawer pulls for. The projects are still probably a few weeks away from getting started, but I like to have a complete vision for where things are going before I launch in to it. I haven't settled on anything, but I ran across some really creative and unique knobs and pulls on Etsy that I thought I'd share. The level of skill and creativity that I run across on Etsy never ceases to amaze me. Check out some of these sellers if you've got a fun project coming up. Enjoy!

Map Art Drawer Pull from Revamp Boutique
I love maps and would love to have these on my finished product!

Bird Skull Drawer Pull from billyblue22
I probably wouldn't actually use these, but they scored major points for creativity.

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