
Music to Create To - Howling Bells :: Radio Wars

How am I only now discovering Howling Bells? They are from Australia, female vocal lead, and have an absolutely infectious sound. I feel a bit ripped off, but I'm making up for lost time by LOVING their new album. Radio Wars sounds like an album that has been in my favorite album rotation for a couple years, except that it just released this week in North America. Good beats + rock + ethereal soundscapes + crazy good vocals + a little electronica fun = really good music. This will probably be my favorite album until Imogen's releases in late August then that will probably be my favorite for the next 3 years. Check out Howling Bells' myspace page here to preveiw some of their sweet tunes for free and for lots of downloading options and info about the band.

Happy Listening!


Angela said...

Have you heard of the Dirty Projectors? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMPF6lpM0XM

Melanie said...

I have now! That was a trip.