
Music to Create To - Thievery Corporation on Pandora Radio

As previously stated, I'm addicted to Pandora Radio. I love finding new-to-me artists and the endless variety of music that you can listen to...for FREE! Sometimes when I'm working on projects that require a lot of focus, or blogging, or anything that requires my mind to not be ADD listening to music with lyrics can be quite distracting. To the rescue is one of my favorite new Pandora obsessions; this Thievery Corporation shared station. The artists seeds are Thievery Corporation and Groove Armada and this populates some great lounge/groove/jazz inspired music that is great for being creative. I've tried out a few other similar stations and at times they get a little too reminiscent of elevator music. But this one has kept me going for sustained periods of creative focus and hasn't let me down. Check it out, or create your own "trip-hop" station. (That's what it's called. Not making it up, folks!)

Happy listening!

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