
Blog Love

I've been slowly sticking my feet in the pool of the hand made/crafty/design/artsy blogosphere. While my heart would love to jump in head first, there are about a bajillion of these blogs out there and Time just won't allow me to read blogs all day (although I could if it would let me). I thought I'd leave you with some great reading material for the weekend and share some of the blogs that I've become most addicted to. I'm sure many of you are familiar with some if not all of these, so if you haven't already, subscribe and keep up with their latest postings!

Every piece of furniture that Knack re purposes I want to own. They're before an afters are always inspire my home and my design.

Modish is a collection of all things hand made. Check them out for lots of unique finds from Etsy and elsewhere.

Design Milk highlights all aspects of art and design. One day will be a great architectural feature and the next pictures of the latest trends in fabric design. I love the variation in genre but the focus on outstanding and creative design.

Pecannoot is a realitive newby and is dedicated to sharing art that celebrates life, positivity and focusing on the abundance that we all live in. I check this one not once, but usually multiple times a day as there is always a message I need to be reminded about. Submissions are welcomed so share your happy art with the world!

Aside from having my favorite blog layout, I love Design for Mankind because there are always GREAT giveaways. The blog showcases the light and inspiration that is found in today's creative culture and like Knack, there is always something featured that I want.

So there's the round up! Happy Friday and happy reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for including pecannoot in your list! i'm honored to be in such good company. :)