
Thanks for a great season, Cardinals!

The Valley of the Sun has been in a funk since Sunday evening. Our team fought so hard and got so close and made the pain of losing much greater than anticipated. Confession: I listen to sports radio. Once in a while when big things are going on with Valley sports, I'll tune in to stay current (this also gives me something to talk to my husband about!) Monday morning grown men and professional radio hosts were showing more man-emotion than that creepy episode from the Biggest Loser a couple seasons ago. Despite the loss, Arizona finally has a football team to be proud of. Thanks, Cardinals for a great season and a great Super Bowl.

However, one of my personal highlights from Sunday's game had nothing to do with football. Jennifer Hudson's singing of the National Anthem brought the house down and brought me to tears. What a come back. If you missed it, you can watch it below. You'll want to grab some tissue first.

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