
Buy for Life - World Vision Gifts

For a few years now, I've made an effort to buy at least one gift during the holidays through the World Vision Gift Catalog. Last year I bought my father-in-law two chickens. He laughed until the New Year, but really loved that someone in need was able to receive a gift in his name. The past few months, the Paper Mango Buy for Life Project has donated 10% of the total amount of our sales to the Buy Shoes Save Lives organization. I love this organization and what they do for kids in Iraq, but when I got my annual World Vision Gift Catalog in the mail this week I thought it would be great to donate towards their cause during the Holiday season. I'm committed to using Paper Mango not only as an outlet for creative design and great products but as a means to give back and make the world a sweeter place. And when you're frantically trying to decide what to get that person that already has everything this Holiday season, check out the World Vision Gift Catalog and give them something that will make a difference.

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