
The Office Project Update

If you need a quick recap of what the Office Project is all about, you can get up to speed here.

A couple weeks ago I tragically (joyfully) said good bye (and good riddance) to my lap top "Old Faithful". The name suited her well. When I bought her she already had a hard 3+ years under her belt and that was almost 3 years ago. It's amazing she lasted as long as she did and I'll be forever grateful for her help in getting Paper Mango off the ground. But when one computer dies, a new one is brought to life! And being the techo-geek that I am, I love new toys! It was like Christmas with out the tree or icky egg nog. My husband caught a few pictures of me in the midst of my excited/crazed state taking the new computer for it's first test drive. I thought it was a significant enough part of the office make over to share them with you with disregard for my own dignity. In the pictures do note:

* Yes, the computer is on a side table and I am on the ground. Going from a lap top to desk top means we need to actually get a desk.
*Oooo, pretty new carpet!
*Diet Coke is a life saver

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